Simple, secure and quick way to pay for parking
How it works
Get a card or a cheque on parking entrance
Pay using Parcoin app
Leave the parking lot
Advantages for Drivers
Payment without waiting in line right from your car
No cash required
No need to deal with parking attendants
Instant and secure payment
Advantages for Parking Lots
Saving on cash-in-transit, personnel and payment terminal maintenance
Reduced customer checkout time and no queues
Connection with no need to purchase additional equipment *
24/7 technical support
Advantages for Equipment Manufacturers
Online payment option makes your equipment more attractive
Longer service life of your equipment due to reduction of load on payment terminals
Free integration with your API
We are trusted
Contact us
+7 (391) 271-14-99
Parcoin, LLC, Tax Number 2460117851
Office 17, 14 Zavodskaya St., Krasnoyarsk

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